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Bennett, Timothy D.
/ Categories: Awards

CSRDE Best Practices in Student Retention Awards 2022

  • Stephen E. Haynesworth, Arthur Evenchik, and Brittany Rabb of Case Western Reserve University won the 2022 Best Practices in Student Retention Award for their paper Improving Retention and Graduation Rates of Academically At-Risk Students at a Research 1 University: A 10-Year Report on the Emerging Scholars Program at Case Western ReserveBest Practices Award winners must demonstrate evidence of a system-wide approach to the institution’s retention issues.
  • Michael Tucker, Jonathan Poon, and Sophie Greenwell of University of South Carolina received the 2022 Institutional Research Leadership in Student Retention Award for their paper Dual Enrollment, First-Year Retention, and Graduation: Analyzing the Impact of Dual Enrollment on Student Success Outcomes at a Public Research University. This award is given to the paper best demonstrating the importance of institutional research to the field of student retention.
  • Victoria Wallington, Reginald Simmons, Emily Cardinale, Sarah Gianetti, and Valentina Hernandez of Central Connecticut State University were presented the 2022 Director’s Award for their paper, Success Central: Using Peer Coaching to Support the Success of Residential and Commuter Students. The Director’s Award is given to the paper that best addresses an issue of current interest and need in the field of student retention and success.
  • Sarah Ballard, Anne Marie Bickel, and Hannah Simms of University of Kentucky won the 2022 Best Poster Award for their poster Reimagining Retention: Maximizing the Data Impact Through Proactive Staff Intervention. The award was selected by a panel of judges at the conference.
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