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About Us

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A Brief History

The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE) is an association of higher education institutions with the common goal of achieving the highest possible levels of student success through collaboratively sharing data, knowledge and innovation. Founded in 1994 by a small group of Institutional Research directors as a data exchange of college retention and graduation data, our first report was published in May of 1995. 

Participating in CSRDE surveys over the years has given our institution the ability to benchmark our progress against our peers. Completing the various sections of the survey, such as STEM, has allowed us to think about our data in new ways and has provided valuable insights. Additionally, the webinars offered by faculty and staff of member institutions offer a fresh perspective on how to facilitate data-driven changes across campus.

Christine Mee, Executive Director, Institutional Research, Assessment and Analysis
Coastal Carolina University

Beyond Data Sharing

The Consortium has broadened its mission to include not only data sharing, but also sharing knowledge and innovation. We now have a diverse membership of more than 300 colleges and universities and compile four annual retention reports. As well as hosting the annual National Symposium on Student Success and Retention, we host a webinar series and have created a dynamic electronic book called Building Bridges for Student Success: A Sourcebook for Colleges and Universities.

CSRDE is coordinated by the Center for Institutional Data Exchange and Analysis (C-IDEA) at the University of Oklahoma. C-IDEA is also the program evaluator for the Oklahoma Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (OK-LSAMP) program, which is funded by the National Science Foundation.